Social Policy

Baas in Europese buik - Shaping Europe

Your body, your choice?

Abortion law in the European Union. One of the major issues in the United States (U.S.) presidential election is abortion. In June 2022, the nationwide right to abortion, which was based on the 1973 Roe v. Wade court ruling, was reversed by the U.S. Supreme…
A roof over Europe - Shaping Europe

A roof over Europe

Europe’s housing crisis and the new Commissioner’s role. When I started my bachelor’s degree at the University of Groningen in 2020, I was lucky enough to secure my own studio. Many of my fellow students, however, found themselves unable to secure accommodation for months, some…
Minimum wage

Towards a European minimum wage

The challenges of creating a European standard on wages. “I want to ensure that work pays. In a Social Market Economy, every person that is working full time should earn a minimum wage that pays for a decent living. Therefore, we will develop a framework,…