Animal Welfare

Hoe beschermen we de Europese biodiversiteit tegen invasieve exoten? - Shaping Europe

How do we protect Europe’s biodiversity?

Why the Union List on invasive alien species is so important. Intensive luggage searches at customs looking for... fruit? You may have seen it on the TV programme Border Security. The Australian version of this programme follows the country's customs. They have to deal with…
Europe cruelty-free, or not so much?

Europe cruelty-free, or not so much?

Why not all cosmetics in Europe are, by definition, cruelty-free. Mascara, shaving cream, perfume, shampoo and toothpaste. At first glance, this seems like a random list of products that many of us use on a daily basis. Together with a number of others,all of these…

The European Parliament wants an end to animal testing

An end to scientific experimentation on animals In September 2021, the European Parliament asked the European Commission to initiate legislative proceedings to end scientific experimentation on animals and to replace it with less cruel techniques. Specifically, it wants to reduce the amount of animal testing…