Democracy and Rule of Law

The Assassination Myth - Shaping Eurpe

The Assassination Myth

Political Assassination as Opportunity for Propaganda. Assassinations of politicians are shocking moments for societies and often turning points in the political course of countries. In polarised political cultures, assassinations become even more impactful. Through three historical examples - the assassination of Pim Fortuyn in 2002,…

Let’s talk about encryption

The awkward relationship between privacy and law enforcement. George Orwell’s ‘1984’ foreshadowed a terrifying dystopian reality, in which each individual is subjected to the far-stretching surveillance techniques of the state. The Edward Snowden revelations in 2013 showed that Orwell’s reality was perhaps closer than ever,…

Europe’s rule of law struggle

The EU's tool box to save Poland and Hungary's democracies. Independent judges, free media, protection against discrimination and the freedom of thought and religion. They all depend on strong rule of law. In a democracy with the rule of law, the government faces checks and…