
Kom maar niet, het is hier verschrikkelijk - Shaping Europe

Don’t come, it’s terrible here

Negative nation branding as a deterrent to migration. Picture the following: you are the leader of a country. You can perhaps imagine that you want to do your best to improve your country’s reputation. After all, if others have a positive image of your country,…
Burden-Sharing and Solidarity: Why the EU fails to solve the Migrant Crisis

Burden-Sharing and Solidarity

Why the EU fails to solve the Migrant Crisis. In recent years, Europe has faced a significant migration crisis as millions of people have fled war, persecution, and poverty in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. The crisis has placed a huge burden on countries…

Violence at EU borders: Migrant Pushbacks and Frontex involvement

An orchestration of violence Video footage has emerged which shows disguised, uniformed men beating asylum seekers back over the Croatian-Bosnian border. Klass van Dijken, the investigating journalist behind the camera, writes on Twitter: “​​Hiding in the trees, listening to the damp thwack of batons on…