Public Health

Baas in Europese buik - Shaping Europe

Your body, your choice?

Abortion law in the European Union. One of the major issues in the United States (U.S.) presidential election is abortion. In June 2022, the nationwide right to abortion, which was based on the 1973 Roe v. Wade court ruling, was reversed by the U.S. Supreme…
Een remedie voor Europese medicijntekorten - Shaping Europe

Finding a remedy for European medicine shortages

Open strategic autonomy and crisis resilience in the pharmaceuticals industry. Open strategic autonomy: for some time already, this is the new 'buzzword' in the European Union (EU), after being confronted heavily with a range of existing supply chain vulnerabilities and strategic dependencies. To paraphrase how…
Period Poverty

Power to the Period Poor

Why period poverty is not as far removed as it may seem. On December 6, 2022, the Tweede Kamer (House of Representatives) of the Dutch government passed a motion supporting free menstrual products for people with low income in the Netherlands. In 2023, an additional…

The European Vaccine Passport

The new EU crisis strategy in action ‘Infectious diseases, like Europeans, cross borders’. It is a statement that feels a bit obvious in the midst of a pandemic, but when it was penned down by some intern at the European Commission back in 2018 it…
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