Luna Verbaas

Information is power - Shaping Europe
Digitalisation and Media

Information is power

How a more democratic media provision gives power back to European citizens. With some 370 million voters, the past European Parliament (EP) elections are one of the world's largest democratic processes. Informing all these voters about the elections, relevant issues and the results is an…
Period Poverty
Public Health

Power to the Period Poor

Why period poverty is not as far removed as it may seem. On December 6, 2022, the Tweede Kamer (House of Representatives) of the Dutch government passed a motion supporting free menstrual products for people with low income in the Netherlands. In 2023, an additional…
Political Parties and Movements

Right-wing nationalism in Sweden and Italy part II: from polarization to political games.

Explanations for the rise of right-wing nationalism in Sweden and Italy. In the first article on right-wing nationalism in Sweden and Italy, we explained how right-wing nationalism as an ideology grew during the past elections in these two countries. We compared some of the central…