A roof over Europe - Shaping Europe
Social Policy

A roof over Europe

Europe’s housing crisis and the new Commissioner’s role. When I started my bachelor’s degree at the University of Groningen in 2020, I was lucky enough to secure my own studio. Many of my fellow students, however, found themselves unable to secure accommodation for months, some…
De politiek van tijd - Shaping Europe
European Integration

The politics of time

Time, trains and time zones. It’s that time of year again: the leaves are turning brown, trees are becoming bare, evenings are getting shorter, and the clocks go back an hour. This yearly ritual results in the same discussions and questions every time again: on…
Groen Conservatisme in Europa - Shaping Europe
Climate and Sustainability

Green Conservatism in Europe

Why true conservatives are passionate climate advocates. The most fervent advocates for climate measures are  progressive politicians, often with a liberal or social democratic background. Parties with climate change as raison d'être are generally post-materialistic in nature due to their strong focus on individual and…
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