Conflict and Defense

The Hidden Costs of Decarbonisation - Shaping Europe

The Hidden Costs of Decarbonisation

Analysing the implications of the EU-Rwanda raw minerals deal on EU’s sustainability leadership. Since its introduction in 2020, the European Union (EU) Green Deal has become a buzzword in EU (and international) politics. With this deal, the continent embarked on a mission to halve CO2…
Een Onderwater Offensief - Shaping Europe

An Underwater Offensive

The vulnerability of Baltic Sea infrastructure. Over the last few months, the Baltic Sea has become the stage of a series of incidents involving undersea cables that connect several European Union (EU) Member States in the region. This sea, with an average depth of about…
Het groeiende momentum voor verdere EU defensie-integratie - Shaping Europe

The growing momentum of EU defense integration

Shedding light on the EU’s future path towards a self-sustaining defense capacity.  Defense integration could be imperative for ensuring the internal stability of the European Union (EU) in the long term. The EU has been steadily advancing its ambitions in this area over the last…
Shifting opinions: future Slovak support for Ukraine - Shaping Europe

Shifting opinions: future Slovak support for Ukraine

The potential impact of the Slovak elections on support for Ukraine. Following the September 2023 Slovak parliamentary elections, the European Union (EU) and Ukraine may have something to worry about. The recent Slovak parliamentary elections saw the return of Robert Fico to national office. The…
The dissolution of Nagorno-Karabakh - Shaping Europe

The dissolution of Nagorno-Karabakh

The contextualisation of the conflict between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. On 19 September 2023, Azerbaijan launched an attack on the ethnic Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan claims it did this after four Azerbaijani soldiers and two civilians were killed in the enclave that same month.…
One year of war in Ukraine

One year of war

Some recent developments of the war in Ukraine highlighted. Exactly one year ago, on 24 February 2022, Russia's invasion of Ukraine began. At the time, this website covered the war several times from different perspectives. For instance, one could read articles about the European Union's…
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