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The relationship between the European microstates and the European Union. Europe is home to some of the smallest sovereign countries in the world, also known as microstates. Nestled between the borders of the European Union (EU), we find Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and the smallest country in the world: Vatican City. Together, the European…

From an occupied territory to one of the EU’s greatest success stories. Famous for its beautiful coasts and mountainous landscapes, being one of the strongest rugby nations in the world, St. Patrick’s Day, and disliking their British neighbours, Ireland remains one of Europe’s most progressive and fast-growing nations. It is a country that boasts a…

Political Assassination as Opportunity for Propaganda. Assassinations of politicians are shocking moments for societies and often turning points in the political course of countries. In polarised political cultures, assassinations become even more impactful. Through three historical examples – the assassination of Pim Fortuyn in 2002, the Smolensk air disaster in 2010, and the attempts on…

Will Slovenia break the right-populist trend in Europe? Slovenia: the land of spas, mountains and rich history. Where Roman, Italian, Habsburg and Yugoslav cultural features come together in a relatively small but hugely diverse country. In short: Slovenia is definitely the place to be. Since 2004, Slovenia can call itself an EU Member State, so…

How the European Commission navigates policy, governance, and global challenges to unify and lead the EU. As the European Union (EU) gears up for the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections, the role of the European Commission becomes ever more pivotal. With voters across the continent poised to decide on their representatives, the Commission’s influence on…

Turmoil at home stealing the EU’s thunder? In 2007 my home country of Bulgaria joined the EU, right when I was starting 1st grade. In that sense, you could say we have “grown up” together. While I have been dubbed a straight-A student throughout my school journey, my country’s performance in the EU had its…

A country that struggles with the influence of extreme right and where the coalition is regularly divided. Germany is the European Union (EU) Member State with the highest population and the most seats in the European Parliament (EP). The country is known for large Christmas markets, the Oktoberfest, and famous Germans such as Ludwig van…

From Democracy’s Cradle to Modern Challenges and Controversies. The birthplace of European civilisation, Greece, is like a time machine that takes you back to the days of ancient gods, philosophers, and epic battles. Famous for its stunning landscapes, excessive coffee consumption and the hospitality of its people, Greece has been a key member of the…

Improving or decreasing? Without citizen participation, the democratic foundation of a government institution is weak, and this especially applies to parliaments. The importance of having a democratic foundation was also one of the main motivations behind the European Parliament elections that have been held since 1979 (while the Parliament is older, you can read more…

Perks and challenges for Bosnia´s future. In a recent speech delivered at the European Parliament, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced to the parliamentary members the Commission’s decision to open talks for the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union (EU). According to the latter, “Bosnia and Herzegovina…

An overview of all participants in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. Some people schedule their Sundays around Formula 1 races, others live for the Champions League, and some wait all year to see people from all over Europe (and beyond) perform on a stage. Yes, at Shaping Europe we are part of the last group!…

Belgium’s willingness to compromise is under pressure in a year full of elections. Ask the average person about their first association with the country of Belgium, and there is a good chance the answer will be chocolate, beer, fries or waffles. Or perhaps the national football team ‘The Red Devils’, the many cycling classics, or…

Cyprus: a divided country. Cyprus is an island geographically located in Asia but considered part of Europe due to its political and cultural affiliations and history. According to Greek mythology, it is the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite, and Nicosia is its capital. The island is home to just under one and a half million…

The locations of the European Parliament, and the discussions regarding them. Although members of the European Parliament meet in Brussels most of the time, they also have to travel to Strasbourg for four days each month for plenary sessions. This is, in fact, the official location for these meetings; or the ‘seat’ of the European…

What is the Spitzenkandidaten procedure and who are the Spitzenkandidaten? Ursula von der Leyen, Nicolas Schmit, Valérie Hayer, Sandro Gozi, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Bas Eickhout, Terry Reintke, Raül Romeva, Maylis Roßberg and Walter Baier. Not all of these names will sound familiar to European citizens, but they are the Spitzenkandidaten of the European groups in the…

The manuscript for fixing the European youth vote. Better reach and motivate young people to vote in European elections? If it is up to European Commission vice-president Margaritis Schinas, this should be done by harnessing the reach and popularity of US pop icon Taylor Swift. Clever? Yes, because at a time in which social media…

What are Malta’s biggest concerns ahead of the 2024 EP elections. Malta: the smallest European Union (EU) member state and one of the sunniest. This Mediterranean country, which used to be a British colony, has also been a film set for Game of Thrones and the 1980 Popeye movie. Malta joined the EU in 2004…

An interview with MEP and Volt Belgium party leader Sophie in ‘t Veld about the upcoming elections for the European Parliament and the ambitions of her party. Sophie in ‘t Veld has been a Member of the European Parliament (EP) since 2004. For a long time, she was a Member of the European Parliament in…

Continued disinterest despite controversial changes within the country? Welcome to the next country in Shaping Europe’s country profiles ahead of the European Parliament (EP) elections: Slovakia! This landlocked European Union (EU) member state is home to over 6000 caves and has the highest number of castles and châteaux per capita. Its capital, Bratislava, is located…

Major national political changes for the European pioneer in sustainability. Portugal is a Member State of the European Union (EU) in Southern Europe. The country was founded in 1143, making it one of the oldest nation-states in Europe. The Portuguese language is the official language in nine countries. The oldest bookstore in the world (1732),…

From the Ibiza Scandal to the Rise of the Right-wing. Nestled in the heart of Central Europe, Austria is a landlocked country, which is bordered by eight nations, including Germany, the Czech Republic, and Italy. The home country of the most well-known classical composer, W. A. Mozart fascinates visitors with its stunning Alpine landscapes, classical…

From a beekeeper and a Paralympian to a former Disney presenter and a TV chef. Recently, in this Shaping Europe article, you could read more about voting rights and candidacy for the European Parliament elections. Of course, it’s crucial to know a lot about that, but it’s much more enjoyable to examine the most remarkable,…

Keep the current course or go in a different direction? Romania, the land of Transylvania and Dracula. The homeland of Francesco Illy, the inventor of the espresso machine, and Nadia Comăneci, the first gymnast ever to score a perfect 10 at the 1976 Olympics. Where you will find the world’s heaviest building at a whopping…

A More European European Parliament? Imagine that you are about to vote in the European Parliament elections and participate in an expression of democracy along with others across 26 other countries. However, instead of only being able to vote for party lists to help determine how your country’s European Parliament seats are allocated, you can…

An explainer on the European Parliament elections: who can you vote for, and how do you get on a candidate list? Every five years, the European Parliamentary elections (EP elections) take place. This first happened in June 1979, and this spring marks a milestone as the EP elections will be held for the tenth time.…

How social media impacts the European Parliamentary Elections. This year (2024) is an incredibly significant year for elections, with 64 national elections taking place, representing a combined 49% of the global population. Not to mention that the European Parliament Elections will occur on top of that. If there was ever a time to become more…

A country in which national politics is on edge but that wants to become more prominent at the EU level. Spain, the European Union (EU) Member State in Southern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Known as a popular holiday destination with high temperatures, but at the same time also for its fight against climate change.…

How the European Council balances power, diplomacy, and strategy like a ship with 27 captains. At the heart of the European Union (EU), where political dynamics and unforeseen challenges are the norm, the European Council acts as the conductor of a complex orchestra. Comprising the heads of state or government of the EU member states,…

Looking back at the European Parliamentary elections of 2019 an looking ahead at the upcoming 2024 elections. As one of the larger countries, Poland puts its own mark on EU policy. Sometimes to the annoyance of the old Western member states. One example is the very conservative images the country expresses around the LGBTIQ+  community. …

The dual threat of climate change to Europe’s last indigenous people. Climate change affects us all. Both the effects of climate change itself, and the measures that need to be taken to deal with it affect our lives. However, some groups are hit harder by this than others. Especially people who depend on their natural…

The political groups in the European Parliament at a glance. When you think of European Union (EU) politics, one of the first things that will probably come to mind is that it is all quite complicated. In this article, you have already read all about European political parties and how they differ from national parties,…

The land rights of the Sámi over their traditional territories. Discussions about Indigenous communities and their rights often feel like a world away for Europeans. We hear about it from countries like Australia and the United States, or it comes up when discussing the rain forests of South America. What a lot of people do…

How do they work?  Who are we going to vote for in June this year (2024)? European political party, Europarty, a political group in the European Parliament? Faithful to its tradition of giving greatly similar names to its structures, like the eternal dilemma of the Councils, the EU does not exactly make it easier for…

A small but brave country where security is not a given. Lithuania, the southernmost country of the three Baltic States consists largely of forest. Where the capital Vilnius is also known as the “Rome of the Baltic States” and one of the few capitals you can fly over in a hot-air balloon. It is a…

Looking back at the 2019 European elections and looking ahead at the elections in June. Hungary is known for its thermal baths, Goulash and Europe’s largest festival, Sziget. However, it is also known for the prime minister’s difficult relationship with Europe and controversial legislation. This article provides an in-depth look at Hungary’s role in Europe.…

The Proposed Regulatory Framework for Artificial Intelligence. “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. I mean, with artificial intelligence, we’re summoning the demon.”  – Elon Musk, 2014, MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics Department,…

Can we really have it all under the European AI Act? The hot topic in the European Union (EU) nearing the end of the year is definitely AI. Policy-makers in Brussels are working on a tight timeframe, while politicians from around the Union are trying to voice and push for their concerns. Businesses providing AI-powered…

 Looking back at the 2019 EP elections and a look ahead to those in 2024. Denmark. The land of Lego, bicycles, the Little Mermaid, and Hygge (“coziness”). The country of Europe’s oldest monarchy and the world’s oldest recognized flag. The country is one of the happiest in the world year after year. Of prosperity, politeness,…

European law in six easy steps! You probably already know that the European Union (EU) is a group of 27 European countries that work together on various issues, like trade, sustainability, product standards, and more. To do this, the EU adopts rules that support the EU’s goals. Among others, the EU is currently going through…

A look ahead to the European Parliament elections on 6 – 9 June. In June 2024, the European Parliament elections will be held again. For the tenth time, citizens of the European Union Member States will elect the members of the European Parliament (EP). Although it still seems far away, European politicians are already starting…

Shedding light on the EU’s future path towards a self-sustaining defense capacity.  Defense integration could be imperative for ensuring the internal stability of the European Union (EU) in the long term. The EU has been steadily advancing its ambitions in this area over the last decade. Right now, it has the opportunity to accelerate the…

The potential impact of the Slovak elections on support for Ukraine. Following the September 2023 Slovak parliamentary elections, the European Union (EU) and Ukraine may have something to worry about. The recent Slovak parliamentary elections saw the return of Robert Fico to national office. The success of Fico and his populist left party, Smer-SSD (in…

All you need to know about the history of this 55-year-old parliament. Every five years, we get to vote for the European Parliament, and Europeans will have this opportunity again in June 2024 for the ninth time. After India, the Parliament has the largest electorate (the number of people who can vote). But how did…

Examining the regulatory power of the European Union. Having relied on special lightning ports for more than a decade, the latest generation of iPhones suddenly is equipped with a USB-C charger. Not because Apple executives were so eager for change. Nor because of the American Congress introducing new legislation for a company whose headquarters are…

Everything you need to know about the European Parliament.  In June 2024, we can go to the polls again to vote for the European Parliamentary elections, but what are we actually voting for? In recent years, the European Union (EU) has gained the reputation of being a complicated organisation, made up of a hotchpotch of…

The contextualisation of the conflict between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. On 19 September 2023, Azerbaijan launched an attack on the ethnic Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan claims it did this after four Azerbaijani soldiers and two civilians were killed in the enclave that same month. A ceasefire was declared rather quickly after the attack, so…

The history and current role of botanical gardens, and the mutual cooperation between them.  Exotic plants that you normally never see, the sweet smell in the tropical greenhouses or the special style of a Japanese garden. These are the views that surround you in botanical gardens. But there is more going on in the green…

How European trade supports the illegal Israeli settlement economy. In the war between Israel and Hamas, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories plays an important role. The construction and expansion of illegal settlements in these territories is condemned by the international community because it violates international humanitarian law and human rights treaties. International condemnation…

How European investment in Israel’s illegal settlement economy stands in the way of sustainable peace. On October 7, 2023, the world was shocked by an attack by the terror organization Hamas on Israel, resulting in the killing, wounding, and/or kidnapping of hundreds of Israelis. A day later, Israel officially declared a state of war. Since…

The European Union’s position in the battle for our galaxy. In late August, a special event took place in the world of space exploration; India became the fourth country ever, after the former Soviet Union in 1959, the United States in 1969, and China in 2019, to safely land a rocket on the moon. Not…

The position of fossils in the debate about looted art. Looted art is a subject that has received increasing attention over the past few decades. Often this involves art objects that were taken from colonies and have since resided in European museums. There also exists disagreement between European countries about “stolen” objects. The discussion often…

Why the Union List on invasive alien species is so important. Intensive luggage searches at customs looking for… fruit? You may have seen it on the TV programme Border Security. The Australian version of this programme follows the country’s customs. They have to deal with all kinds of matters, including drug smuggling or the import…

Bringing mass tourism to a halt: How Slovenia is putting sustainable tourism on the map. The small, central European country of Slovenia has been discovered by more and more tourists in recent years. And rightly so, because the little country has an awful lot to offer. From the lively and trendy capital of Ljubljana to…

Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and national parliamentary elections. 1 July marked the beginning of the fifth Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union (‘the Council’). The Council has a rotating presidency, meaning that every six months, another Member State chairs the meetings. From 1 July 2023 until 31…

More mining as a solution but also an obstacle to a climate-neutral 2050. In 2020, the European Commission presented the Green Deal, an outline of plans for the European Union to halve CO2 emissions by 2030 and even make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. It is an ambitious but also necessary goal as…

Why period poverty is not as far removed as it may seem. On December 6, 2022, the Tweede Kamer (House of Representatives) of the Dutch government passed a motion supporting free menstrual products for people with low income in the Netherlands. In 2023, an additional €2 million is allocated to fight period poverty. The promise…

Why the EU fails to solve the Migrant Crisis. In recent years, Europe has faced a significant migration crisis as millions of people have fled war, persecution, and poverty in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. The crisis has placed a huge burden on countries in the European Union (EU), particularly those located on the…

The awkward relationship between privacy and law enforcement. George Orwell’s ‘1984’ foreshadowed a terrifying dystopian reality, in which each individual is subjected to the far-stretching surveillance techniques of the state. The Edward Snowden revelations in 2013 showed that Orwell’s reality was perhaps closer than ever, pointing at large-scale data-collection which even went as far as…

An overview of all participants in the Eurovision Song Contest 2023.  Some people schedule their Sundays around Formula 1 races, some people live for the Champions League, and some wait all year to see people from all over Europe (and beyond) perform on a stage. Yes, we are part of the last group and we…

Explanations for the rise of right-wing nationalism in Sweden and Italy. In the first article on right-wing nationalism in Sweden and Italy, we explained how right-wing nationalism as an ideology grew during the past elections in these two countries. We compared some of the central election themes of the right-wing nationalist Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats, SD)…

Examining the rise of right-wing nationalism in Sweden and Italy. Sweden and Italy. Two countries that, at first glance, have fairly little in common. Yet it turns out that Sweden and Italy are a lot more alike than initially thought – at least socially and politically. Whereas Sweden has always been known as a social-democratic…

Some recent developments of the war in Ukraine highlighted. Exactly one year ago, on 24 February 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began. At the time, this website covered the war several times from different perspectives. For instance, one could read articles about the European Union’s (EU) reaction to the invasion, the role of social media…

Preserving Competition through the Digital Markets Act. In recent years, the all-too-familiar ‘Big Tech’ has been taking over local, regional, and global markets. The European Union has been striving to adapt to this new reality by adopting legislation that is better suited to tackle the challenges arising from the digital economy. One such challenge is…

Everything you need to know about the Czech presidential elections. The Czech Republic starts 2023 with the election of a new president. The winner of the elections, of which the second round will be held on the 27th and 28th of January, will replace current president Miloš Zeman who has to step down after two…

Why knowing how to fact-check is the most important weapon. It is on a Friday afternoon in Summer 2020 that a gray-haired man orders a beer next to me on a sunny terrace. The dark circles under his eyes betray he probably had a long few days at work. A few moments later, the guy…

How “made in the European Union” is guaranteed. The European Union is rich in a variety of culinary traditions. Examples include French camembert, Italian Parma ham, Greek Ouzo and Irish Whiskey. Europeans are proud of their culinary delights and for this reason, these products are legally protected by the EU through geographical indications. That may…

On menstrual leave, period poverty and breaking the taboo surrounding menstruation  (Menstrual Hygiene Day – part 2). On May 28, 2022, International Menstrual Hygiene Day, Shaping Europe’s first article in the series on menstruation was published. Welcome back to everyone who has already read the article! Did you miss the previous article? If so, just…

Women about their menstruation and the taboo surrounding periods (Menstrual Hygiene Day – part 1). Today, 28 May 2022, is Menstrual Hygiene Day. And unfortunately there is a big chance that you didn’t know that. Even though approximately half of the world population menstruates (part of their life), there is still a stigma around the…

  More than two billion people globally incorporate insects into their diets. While there are several reasons for this, varying across questions of tradition and culture, for the most part, the decision of including insects was made out of necessity. In many parts of the world, meat remains a luxury item and not something that…

Dates of Eurovision: Semi-finals: 10/05 and 12/05. Grand Final:14/05 This year has seen Europe face the possibility of all out war on the continent, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Relations between Russia and the rest of the world are at an all time low. Financial sanctions have, to a degree, closed Russia’s economy off from…

All you need to know about the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. Dust off the silver glitter dresses, because it’s almost time for our favourite time of the year: the Eurovision Song Contest! You know, the one week when Europeans are reminded that Moldova exists, the UK is completely humiliated by getting zero points and the…

Europe Day 2022 – Monday 9th May With the memories of the Second World War burning vividly in the minds of many Europeans, there came a momentum to craft something truly new, something that would strike out the possibility of further war and bring forth a new era of cooperation for the European continent.  In…

Living with neurodiversity in our society. Last week, on World Autism Awareness Day, you could read the first part of our neurodiversity series. For those who have already, welcome back! For those of you who have not read last week’s introductory article, you can  find it here. This article is a sequel, so it is…

How the Russian gas trade can be used to exert political pressure. “Russia can only afford to fight because of its oil and gas. Russia’s main weapon against Europe is its threat to cut off oil and gas. So it might be wise to stop using oil and gas now that we have workable alternatives.…

Why neurodiversity is misunderstood and forgotten in our society. In recent years, fortunately more and more attention has been paid to inclusiveness and diversity in our society. Discussions about why women earn less than men or why people of colour are underrepresented in higher education are becoming more frequent in the public debate. This attention…

  Social media has been heavily criticised in the last years for its negative impacts on mental health and its overall far-reaching influence on our daily lives. However, in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, social media has fueled international cohesion and mobilised immense compassion. This movement did not halt at the screens of…

  Concerns that the European Union lacks transparency have increased among civil society groups, journalists, and EU citizens in recent years. Access to European Union documents is and has always been a fundamental tool for ensuring transparency and increasing the accountability of EU public officials. However, recently it has become increasingly clear that the mechanisms…

  In 2004, the European Union announced its desire to form what it called a “ring of friends” through its Neighbourhood Policy. However, eighteen years later, it seems that this dream has turned more into one enormous nightmare, with tensions threatening the Union’s eastern and southern flanks. In the hopes of surrounding the European Union…

On Thursday the 24th of February 2022, a shadow that many thought had been left in the dustbin of history descended once again over the European continent. In a sudden and unprovoked attack, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine from three sides, swiftly ending any hopes for a peaceful resolution to the escalating tensions caused by…

Why not all cosmetics in Europe are, by definition, cruelty-free. Mascara, shaving cream, perfume, shampoo and toothpaste. At first glance, this seems like a random list of products that many of us use on a daily basis. Together with a number of others,all of these can be categorised as cosmetics. Cosmetics does not only describe…

An end to scientific experimentation on animals In September 2021, the European Parliament asked the European Commission to initiate legislative proceedings to end scientific experimentation on animals and to replace it with less cruel techniques. Specifically, it wants to reduce the amount of animal testing based on what is possible, whilst still ensuring that the…

By the People, For the People 8,600 ideas, 14,900 comments, 31,000 participants and 3,180 events constitute an unprecedented EU-wide event —the conference on the future of Europe. It was initiated to include European citizens in the process of possibly reforming the European Union. The conference is structured according to the bottom-up approach and involves various…

A reflection of the challenges of 2021 and the opportunities of 2022 Now the New Year’s Eve celebrations are disappearing from the rear-view mirror, we wanted to briefly reflect on some of the biggest challenges the EU has faced last year and consider what the first full year in a global pandemic has brought the…

How a circular economy is going to change Europe’s economic future The economy must grow every year. That is the mantra that generations have grown up with. When you have economic growth, a country is doing well. Economic growth is expressed in terms of GDP, the Gross Domestic Product. This figure is the sum of…

Tis’ the season The digital commerce sector in Europe has significantly expanded since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, safely providing consumers access to goods in times when severe restrictions are in place to protect people’s health. In 2020, 73% of the EU-27’s population shopped online (up from 68% in 2019) – a trend that…

  In October, the European Commission presented its new policy plan for the Arctic region, hoping to increase its influence before the recent COP26 discussions. The Arctic region is warming three times faster than the rest of the planet, but the melting of the ice and the thawing of the permafrost there also has repercussions…

Opinion Piece Today our guest writer Henk Keilman provides his perspective on authoritarianism and capitalism in China and the West, arguing that despite China’s successes, in the long run only democratic countries will succeed in providing sustainable economic prosperity.  The EU and its predecessors were founded after WWII for three key reasons: ending the endless…

  Cyprus, the birthplace of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, is a captivating east Mediterranean island, full of ancient history, stunning beaches and luscious food and wine. It also possesses the last divided capital of Europe: Nicosia. In this city, as long as you are in the Greek-speaking South, you are able to pay with euros,…

An orchestration of violence Video footage has emerged which shows disguised, uniformed men beating asylum seekers back over the Croatian-Bosnian border. Klass van Dijken, the investigating journalist behind the camera, writes on Twitter: “​​Hiding in the trees, listening to the damp thwack of batons on human bodies, the screams will be hard to forget.” While…

Arriving at COP26 This week world leaders meet at the 26th conference of the parties, or COP26 for short, with the aim of charting a path towards a sustainable future for humanity. This currently involves a widely shared pledge for net-zero emissions by 2050 and a global temperature increase of no more than 1.5℃. The…

A crash course in circular economy. ‘There is only one planet Earth, yet by 2050, the world will be consuming as if there were three’ This is how the European Commission begins its Circular Economy Action Plan, which was published in March 2020. This statement is not unfounded. Research by the OECD, a group of…

From the periphery to the most important issue of our age The fight against climate change has been more than 50 years in the making. From the first Earth Day, held on April 22 1970, which ignited the world’s citizens to go out and protest to protect their environment, to the first major international legislation…

Meet Facebook’s Oversight Board As Facebook’s membership slowly inches towards 3 billion, content moderation is increasingly becoming a task riddled with legal and political pitfalls. The company strives to serve all the different types of users, cultures, and political systems that inhabit the platform, and failings have repeatedly brought Facebook under severe public scrutiny. In…

  The production of ‘champagne’ has always been associated with the sparkling wine that is produced in the French region of Champagne. The rules of appellation require certain types of grapes and specific methods to be used for sparkling wine to be recognised as champagne. However, in June, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the labelling…

The votes are in On Sunday 26th of September 2021, the German federal elections took place. The race had been enticing, but also surprising. Angela Merkel’s party, the CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany – conservative/right center) is facing after sixteen years of leading the government a historical low with 24,1% of the second votes…

The crises that shaped Angela Merkel’s Chancellorship – From Germany to the European level When Angela Merkel was elected as Germany’s chancellor on 22 November 2005, she set a record as the first woman, the first East German, and the youngest person, at age 51, to ever take said office. She is also the first…

A brief overview of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Let us take a trip back to the beginning of summer 2021: several news outlets were headlining an event that brought renewed attention to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, but the cause for its flare-up came from a fairly unexpected place. This time, it was the world…

An Explosion in Popularity and Energy Demand Whether it’s been the uncertainty surrounding traditional stock investments, challenges faced by national authorities in the wake of the pandemic, public endorsement by celebrities and financial institutions, or the more primal lure of making a small fortune overnight, interest in cryptocurrency has skyrocketed since the beginning of the…

What populists in the Netherlands, Sweden and Italy have in common  (part 1) An economic and financial crisis shaking the bedrock of the European economy, a significant increase in net migration from outside the EU, ethnic tension fuelled by opportunistic politicians, Brexit and the election of Donald Trump have all left established democratic countries reeling.…

Truth or Fiction in the EU? In September 2020, during the State of the Union address, Ursula von der Leyen said: ‘if you are a parent in one country, you are a parent in every country,’ when announcing the European Commission’s plan to put forward a strategy to strengthen LGBTQI+ rights. Currently, this is far…